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5km Run on Wexford Quay Friday 4th October 2013 @ 6.50pm

Our monthly 5 km handicap will resume this FRIDAY 4th October 2013 on Wexford Quay. Meet, ready to run at 6:50 PM, by the tourist office in the Quay car park  opposite the Talbot.  First runner off at 7 PM. NOTE LATER START TIME.

Fastest  runners go off last according to handicap so that  everybody comes in around the same time and there is an exciting  mass  sprint finish.
The link below shows ONE LAP of the 5 km.  The full route comprises TWO  full laps (so you run around the spit 4 times in total).

Drinks in the Talbot afterwards.
In preparation, the WEDNESDAY run today, 2nd October 2013, will include a lap of the route. Meet 7pm by the tourist office. NOTE 7pm START.
look forward to seeing many of you there,